10 August 2013

Another week, another quick take

1. I started sewing an Anna dress today out of a green tablecloth I bought at Savers. I am doing the knee length version with a v-neck. Steve was over while I was fitting the bodice and told me I looked like an elf. I guess it is that sort of green.

2. I have learned a lot about the shape of my body since learning how to sew. (a) I have forward sloping shoulders so I need to do a forward shoulder adjustment. (b) One breast is bigger than another (like everyone who has breasts) and it means adjusting the size/location of my bust darts. (c) I have broad shoulders and any sleeves that are cap or kimono make me look like a football player.

3. Things on my sewing to do list are the Hawthorne Dress, a bra (!), and the Washi Dress.

4. Every day this past week, I wore something I made. Which means I wore skirts all week.

5. Anyone have recommendations for interesting podcasts? I listen to them while I sew and I run out of my usual ones (On the Media, This American Life) within a couple of hours.

6. My favourite snack right now: sourdough toast topped with avocado and sauerkraut or kimchi. So delicious.

7. I beat Matthew this week at Twilight Struggle as the USSR in the Late War. It was super satisfying. Have I mentioned Twilight, our new favourite game? It is made for two players and is the number one game on Boardgamegeek.com. It takes a bit to learn and once you do it is absolutely fantastic.


  1. Radio Lab is a good podcast. Also, watch out when hemming the dress. I have one hip that is higher than the other and it drove me crazy when trying to make the hem straight.

    1. I'll have to keep my hips in mind!

      Thanks for the podcast recommendations. I listened to Radiolab for years and I love the stories they do, but the way they produce the stories is too... cutesy?

  2. Oh, and StarTalk is a great podcast too!

  3. You go, girl! Sewing adventures... you are an inspiration! I need to get back in the game.

    I love the D&D podcasts featuring the guys from PvP and Penny Arcade (and Wil Wheaton in sessions 2 and 3!). If you want to giggle while you sew.

