1. We bought our tea plants today! As soon as we buy a house we will plant them in the ground, but for now we will watch them slowly grow in the pots.
2. I volunteered through a woman volunteer Meetup Group to usher at the Northwest Children's Theatre
anime reimagining of Snow White. The show was interesting and it was nice to meet and chat with some nice women.
3. Our sugar snap peas have been coming in and growing like crazy. They are incredibly tasty, as all garden vegetables are.
4. On my way back home from the theatre today, I stopped by Powell's, as you do, and picked up a couple of new books. The Pattern Magic books are to help with the sewing funk. It is crazy fabric manipulations for things that range from completely unwearable to I could probably wear that to work.
5. A few examples from Pattern Magic:
6. These
lentil meatballs are on my list of things I want to cook this week. We picked up some rhubarb and strawberries at the farmer's market this morning, so I'm planning on making a couple of tarts as well.
7. Are you watching
the Americans? I love it so much and I found out that it was based on
this story of Russian Spies living in the US. A
commenter on Metafilter lived down the street from them and reports that they were not out of the ordinary, as you would expect from spies trying to blend in.