17 November 2016

Good in the world

Indexed is one of my favourite webcomics. It is a daily drawing on an index card that can be sad, happy, poignant, witty, or all of the above.

Here are few that I loved.




In other news, we are moving offices and I am now going to be the cool kid with the corner cube. Two windows for me!

28 August 2016

Picture Quick Takes

1. I am growing out my hair. Well, the hair on one side of my head. We have finally found a hair dresser we like! And now I can do fun projects like growing out my hair in an asymmetrical fashion. Next hair cutting time, I'm coloring my flippy bit blue!

2. This past week, Matthew and I celebrated 8 years of being together. Today we made our anniversary dinner and drank a stupid delicious bottle of wine to celebrate.

We made Japchae, Curry Tofu Cakes, vinegar dipping sauce, with rice and ate on top of our Grandma Trudy placemats. It was so so great.

3. As part of a team building exercise at work, we painted parts of murals that will go into our hospitals. I got to paint the turtle butt. My job doesn't normally entail painting, but it is still pretty awesome.

4. We bought a house last month on our 95/12 anniversary! We took a week off work to paint, clean, and do construction work. We moved (or rather paid movers to move our boxes) into our new place last weekend. We love it a ton.

5. As part of the move, we purged our old college notes and text books. Does anyone need a lot of physics texts? We tried to sell them at Powell's but they wouldn't take them.

6. For my birthday this year, my sister bought me Ferment Your Vegetables and we did a great job of using our vegetable garden at the rental to make some ferments. Sauerkraut! Fermented Tomatillo Salsa! Cucumber Pickles!

7. A few months ago, Matthew and I went to Rockaway Beach and got Prontopups. So, of course, I had to get a picture of Matthew riding the Prontopup...!

07 May 2016

Saturday Quick Takes

1. We bought our tea plants today! As soon as we buy a house we will plant them in the ground, but for now we will watch them slowly grow in the pots.
2. I volunteered through a woman volunteer Meetup Group to usher at the Northwest Children's Theatre anime reimagining of Snow White. The show was interesting and it was nice to meet and chat with some nice women.

3. Our sugar snap peas have been coming in and growing like crazy. They are incredibly tasty, as all garden vegetables are.

4. On my way back home from the theatre today, I stopped by Powell's, as you do, and picked up a couple of new books. The Pattern Magic books are to help with the sewing funk. It is crazy fabric manipulations for things that range from completely unwearable to I could probably wear that to work.
5. A few examples from Pattern Magic:
6. These lentil meatballs are on my list of things I want to cook this week. We picked up some rhubarb and strawberries at the farmer's market this morning, so I'm planning on making a couple of tarts as well.
7. Are you watching the Americans? I love it so much and I found out that it was based on this story of Russian Spies living in the US. A commenter on Metafilter lived down the street from them and reports that they were not out of the ordinary, as you would expect from spies trying to blend in.

29 April 2016

Quick takes back again

1. I am updating my food blog with pictures of what I am bringing to work for lunch. It has been a fun exercise to decide what to eat for lunch every day, especially since the cafes at work are not fantastic.

2. I moved to a new cubicle a few weeks ago and I am now by a window, but unfortunately, I now face my boss.

You can see his monitors poking over the top of mine. My old desk is the one in the far background. My goal for the weekend is to buy a tall leafy plant to put between our desks.

3. I went to ACT-W last weekend and it was fantastic. It was wonderful to be around so many smart, nerdy women.

4. I am going through a sewing funk right now. I bought some bra making supplies, but the fabric I bought (from an online store) was so terrible to sew together, that it threw me into a funk. I am trying to decide what to make next. Maybe I'll try bras again with a different fabric.

5. I bought all the ingredients last weekend to make Watermelon Tuna, but never got around to making it. That will be this weekend's project!

6. I need to get new glasses.

I wear mine on top of my head any time I need to do something close up, otherwise my eyes are strained. Time to use my vision insurance!

7. Matthew went on a quick trip to Shanghai this past week and he brought back the most delicious green tea I have ever tasted. He bought it at a market where they were roasting the tea leaves. It tastes amazing. I can't wait to be able to make my own tea!